Since 2000, we have been among the reference companies with Italian capital in research &
advisoring services in the sports, culture and entertainment markets. We offer services on the entire value chain of clients (sponsors, televisions, sports makers, cultural and entertainment event producers, concessionaires, media centers and public bodies), which we accompany in paths of optimization, growth and innovation through research, consulting and technological services.
In addition to the research & advisoring area, StageUp is also active in the Digital Service area: we offer single and multi-client technology solutions based on web-based applications and services, business intelligence, blockchain and artificial intelligence. For more details, CLICK HERE.
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ChainOn, partner di StageUp: ChainOn è l’innovativo marketplace delle sponsorizzazioni che permette
l’incontro online tra i venditori (leghe e club) e gli investitori (aziende e pmi) che decidono di investire nello
sport per fare crescere il proprio brand.